Shashi Kant Nemani is an Insolvency Professional registered with IBBI vide Regn No. IBBI/IPA-001/IP-P00078/2017- 18/10163, having over 30 years’ of experience in various aspects of Finance, Audit, Accounts and Law. He has vast experience in project evaluation, implementation and monitoring of projects. He has helped companies in organizational restructuring, installation of systems and procedures besides advising on formation of companies, Joint Ventures, collaborations, settlements, etc. His special expertise is in Project Financing includes Business valuation, Techno economic viability study. Has long and varied experience in dealing in stressed accounts including TEVS studies, valuation, dealing in legal matters under BIFR, SICA, DRT, arranging settlement of accounts between lender and borrower/new investors. Actively involved in various cases related to IBC 2016 in various capacities.
CIRP Matters Handled/ Handling:
- Vedika Nut Carft Pvt. Ltd.
- Aryavir Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.